By Nora Lowe
Despite our victory in helping deny Danskammer a Title V Air Permit (see related article), demonstrating public opposition to the plant’s expansion remains a crucial initiative in the fight against Danskammer.
Four Sunrise Westchester members split up and collected signatures from Pleasantville residents yesterday morning at 10 am. Two hours later, roughly 100 signatures had been collected.
Jenna Cain, Actions Team Co-Lead and organizer of today’s event, elaborates that “It’s important to demonstrate to the PSC that there’s public opposition to the plant because at the end of the day, all government officials are hired by the public to make decisions in the best interest of the public. The facts make it clear that New York’s continued reliance on fracked gas will only make the climate crisis worse. If the PSC is truly committed to serving the public, they will realize that opposition to this plant is not just limited to climate activists.”
Read more on the Sunrise Westchester Instagram page.